JavaScript Wiki

Headings 1 - 6[]

h1 - Heading 1[]

The <h1> element represents the top-level heading of a page or a section. It should be used to define the main title or topic of a page. In JavaScript, you can access and manipulate the content of an <h1> element using the Document Object Model (DOM).

h2 - Heading 2[]

The <h2> element is used for subsection headings that are less important than the main heading (h1). It provides a hierarchical structure to your content. In JavaScript, you can access and modify the content within <h2> elements as needed.

h3 - Heading 3[]

The <h3> element is used for sub-subsection headings. It represents a further level of hierarchy in your document. JavaScript can be used to interact with and change the content of <h3> elements dynamically.

h4 - Heading 4[]

The <h4> element is for even lower-level subsection headings. It's useful when you have a complex document structure. JavaScript can assist in updating and manipulating the content within <h4> headings.

h5 - Heading 5[]

The <h5> element is a step further down the hierarchy. It's typically used for less prominent headings. With JavaScript, you can make dynamic changes to the content in <h5> elements.

h6 - Heading 6[]

The <h6> element is the lowest level heading in HTML. It's often used for minor headings or labels within a document. JavaScript can be used to interact with and customize the content of <h6> headings, similar to other heading elements.

In JavaScript, you can access these heading elements using methods like getElementById, querySelector, or querySelectorAll. Once you've selected a heading element, you can modify its content or style to enhance the user experience on your web page. Headings play a crucial role in structuring and organizing your content, making it more accessible and understandable for users.